• Standard delivery usually arrives within 3 - 6 business days from the shipped date, excluding holidays. Please allow 1-2 BUSINESS DAYS handling time.
  • Standard delivery to Alaska, Hawaii, and P.O. Boxes addresses usually arrives within 5 - 13 business day from the shipped date, excluding holidays.
  • Standard delivery to APO/FPO addresses usually arrives within 18 business days from the shipped date, excluding holidays.
  • Orders are processed Monday-Friday (excluding holidays).
  • Orders placed after the cutoff time are processed and shipped the next business day.
  • Orders are not delivered on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays.
  • We do not offer international shipping and are unable to ship to US territories, PO boxes, re-shippers, or package forwarding services.
Delivery estimates exclude weekends and holidays, and are pending credit card approval. DAGACCI reserves the right to hold any order for suspected fraud and/or billing and shipping validation. Affected customers will be notified by DAGACCI Customer Service.